Request For Research: Basic Income( points|mattkrisiloff|9 years ago|1121 comments
Moving Forward on Basic Income( points|dwaxe|9 years ago|1448 comments
Universal Basic Income is Capitalism 2.0( points|TimJRobinson|5 years ago|1979 comments
People kept working, became healthier while on basic income: report( points|fraqed|5 years ago|782 comments
A Basic Income Should Be the Next Big Thing( points|warrenmar|9 years ago|809 comments
Swiss to vote on 2,500 franc basic income for every adult( points|selmnoo|11 years ago|566 comments
Finland will hand out cash to 2000 jobless people to test universal basic income( points|salmonet|8 years ago|394 comments
It Is Time For Basic Income( points|mchusma|11 years ago|728 comments
Jack Dorsey is giving Andrew Yang $5M to build the case for a basic income( points|imartin2k|5 years ago|724 comments
My own private basic income( points|deegles|8 years ago|268 comments
Trends that will create demand for an Unconditional Basic Income( points|nkoren|12 years ago|655 comments
Basic income plan clearly rejected by Swiss voters( points|marcelsalathe|9 years ago|568 comments
Basic income would not reduce people’s willingness to work( points|giuliomagnifico|3 years ago|760 comments
A Dutch city is giving money away to test the basic income theory( points|bemmu|10 years ago|534 comments
Basic Income Research Proposal( points|craigcannon|8 years ago|407 comments
How Finland plans to implement the first nation-wide basic income in the EU( points|imartin2k|9 years ago|280 comments
A Basic Income Is Smarter Than a Minimum Wage( points|joeyespo|9 years ago|483 comments
Ontario announces that it will begin a basic income trial in 2016( points|evo_9|9 years ago|277 comments
Germany begins 3-year universal-basic-income trial( points|tosh|5 years ago|336 comments
GiveDirectly Planning to Give $30M in Basic Income to East Africa( points|deegles|9 years ago|213 comments
We Need a Basic Income Guarantee( points|tokenadult|12 years ago|530 comments
India floats the idea of a universal basic income( points|Mz|8 years ago|233 comments
Experiment in paying villagers in India an unconditional basic income( points|xSwag|12 years ago|225 comments
Why we should all have a basic income( points|nmat|8 years ago|467 comments
Ask YC: Any Updates on the Basic Income Project?266 points|JohnnySpaghetti|8 years ago|108 commentsLast time we had an update was on May 31: was wondering if there are any updates that could be shared with the community.
A decentralised Universal Basic Income platform based on personal currencies( points|nathanrosquist|7 years ago|283 comments
Finland considers basic income to reform welfare system( points|pierre-renaux|10 years ago|233 comments
Finnish basic income pilot improved wellbeing, study finds( points|tchalla|5 years ago|244 comments
12-year study will look at effects of universal basic income( points|denzil_correa|7 years ago|138 comments
Finland launches trial program to pay unemployed citizens a basic monthly income( points|breitling|8 years ago|229 comments
I was wondering if there are any updates that could be shared with the community.